The success story of Visium Investment Management

‘’We need to continue to attract new investors for our hedge fund despite the limitations of the Covid-19 pandemic.’’

About Visium Investment Management

Visium Investment Management is a London-based private investment partnership focused on special situation strategies within oil and renewable energy. The investment strategy targets absolute returns with an asymmetric upside, via detailed supply and demand forecasting, fundamental, macroeconomic and physical market information combined with various technical market indicators to generate fair values, forecasts and trading signals for oil and renewable energy.


The challenge

At the beginning of 2020, we were approached by the CEO and chairman of Visium Investment Management, the billionaire Jean Missinhoun, who shared that they were seeking innovative ways to continue attracting investors during Corona measures such as quarantine. In addition to not being able to do roadshows, Missinhoun shared that investors were less likely to participate due to the unknown times back then. 

Implemented solutions

Establishing a powerful personal brand

In a world where trust and connection matter more than ever, we understood the significance of building a strong personal brand for Jean Missinhoun, CEO and Chairman of Visium Investment Management. Embracing the footsteps of renowned investment managers like Warren Buffet, Ray Dalio, and Larry Fink, we went on a strategic journey to establish Jean as a recognized industry influencer. Through thought-provoking articles, captivating social media engagement, and the publication of the book “The Green Energy Boom,” we elevated Jean’s personal brand, expanding his reach, credibility, and impact within the investment community.

Building engaged online communities

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, where in-person connections were limited, we recognized the importance of building virtual communities to foster engagement and meaningful interactions. To support Visium Investment Management’s mission of transitioning to a greener and more sustainable world, we strategically utilized social media platforms to connect with like-minded individuals. Through regular virtual meetings, thought-provoking discussions, and curated updates on sustainability trends, we facilitated a space where people could come together, share ideas, and contribute to a collective vision for a better future.

Strengthening reputation through professional philanthropy

Recognizing the philanthropic spirit of Missinhoun and Visium Investment Management, we advised them to elevate their charitable initiatives through a more structured approach. Together, we established the Earth Love United foundation, ensuring a professional foundation for their philanthropic efforts. Our dedicated team managed all aspects of the foundation, including branding, organizational structure, team recruitment and training, fundraising activities, and strategic partnerships with corporate responsibility departments. Through these efforts, we maximized the impact of their philanthropy and created a sustainable platform for making a positive difference in the world.

The remarkable result

Throughout our dynamic and enduring partnership, we have achieved remarkable milestones, starting from a blank canvas in terms of communication. By strategically positioning CEO Jean Missinhoun, we successfully garnered a substantial following across his social media platforms, with numerous pieces of content and campaigns gaining recognition and publication, leading to substantial growth, increasing their assets under management from 2 billion to 10 billion.

Please note: Our role did not involve soliciting investment products, engaging in fundraising activities or direct investor communication.